36 Statistics Which Prove That The American Dream Is Turning Into An Absolute Nightmare For The Middle Class

The U.S. middle class is being shredded, ripped apart and systematically wiped out. If you doubt this, just check out the statistics below. The American Dream is being transformed into an absolute nightmare. Once upon a time, the rest of the world knew that most Americans were able to live a middle class lifestyle. Most American families had nice homes, most American families had a car or two, most American families had nice clothes, most American families had an overabundance of food and most American families could even look forward to sending their children to college if that is what the kids wanted to do. There was an implicit promise that this was the way that it was always going to be. Most of us grew up believing that if we worked really hard in school and that if we stayed out of trouble and that if we did everything that 'the system' told us to do that there would be a place for us in the middle class too. Well, it turns out that 'the system' is breaking down. There aren't enough good jobs for all of us anymore. In fact, there aren't very many crappy jobs either. Millions are out of work, millions have lost their homes and nearly all of the long-term economic trends just keep getting worse and worse. So is there any hope for the U.S. middle class?
No, there is not.
Unless fundamental changes are made economically, financially and politically, the long-term trends that are destroying the U.S. middle class will continue to do so.
The number of good jobs has been declining for a long time. The good jobs that have been lost are being replaced by a smaller number of low paying 'service jobs'.
Meanwhile, the cost of everything is going up. It is getting really hard for American families to be able to afford to put food on the table and to put gas in the tank. Health care costs are absolutely outrageous and college tuition is now out of reach for millions of American families.
Every single month more American families fall out of the middle class. Today there are 18 million more Americans on food stamps than there were just four years ago. More than one out of every five U.S. children is living in poverty. Things are getting really, really bad out there.
The following are 36 statistics which prove that the American Dream is turning into an absolute nightmare for the middle class....
#1 The competition for decent jobs in America has gotten absolutely insane. There have been reports of people actually getting down on their knees and begging for jobs. Many Americans are starting to wonder if they will ever get a decent job again. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average duration of unemployment in the United States is now an all-time record 39 weeks....
#2 According to the Wall Street Journal, there are 5.5 million Americans that are unemployed and yet are not receiving unemployment benefits.
#3 The number of 'low income jobs' in the U.S. has risen steadily over the past 30 years and they now account for 41 percent of all jobs in the United States.
#4 Only 66.8% of American men had a job last year. That was the lowest level that has ever been recorded in all of U.S. history.
#5 Once upon a time, anyone could get hired at McDonald's. But today McDonald's turns away a higher percentage of applicants than Harvard does. Approximately 7 percent of all those that apply to get into Harvard are accepted. At a recent 'National Hiring Day' held by McDonald's only about 6.2 percent of the one million Americans that applied for a job were hired.
#6 There are now about 7.25 million fewer jobs in America than when the recession began back in 2007.
#7 The United States has lost an average of about 50,000 manufacturing jobs per month since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.
#8 A New York post analysis has found that the rate of inflation in New York City has been about 14 percent over the past year.
#9 The average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States is now up to $3.91 a gallon.
#10 Over the past 12 months the average price of gasoline in the United States has gone up by about 30%.
#11 Spending on energy now accounts for more than 6 percent of all consumer spending. Every time this has happened since 1970 we have also had a recession that followed.
#12 The average American driver will spend somewhere around $750 more for gasoline in 2011. Unfortunately, it seems likely that the price of oil is going to go up even higher. Already the price of oil is closing in on the all-time record....
#13 In the United States, over 20 percent of all children are living in poverty. In the UK and in France that figure is well under 10 percent.
#14 According to the U.S. Census, the number of children living in poverty has gone up by about 2 million in just the past 2 years.
#15 The wealthiest 1% of all Americans now own more than a third of all the wealth in the United States.
#16 The poorest 50% collectively own just 2.5% of all the wealth in the United States.
#17 The wealthiest 1% of all Americans own over 50% of all the stocks and bonds.
#18 According to a new report from the AFL-CIO, the average CEO made 343 times more money than the average American did last year.
#19 In 1980, government transfer payments accounted for just 11.7% of all income. Today, government transfer payments account for 18.4% of all income.
#20 U.S. households are now receiving more income from the U.S. government than they are paying to the government in taxes.
#21 59 percent of all Americans now receive money from the federal government in one form or another.
#22 The average cost of tuition, room and board at America's public universities is now $16,000 a year. For America's private universities, that figure is $37,000 a year.
#23 The cost of college tuition in the United States has gone up by over 900 percent since 1978.
#24 Approximately two-thirds of all college students graduate with student loan debt.
#25 17 million college graduates are doing jobs that do not even require a college degree.
#26 According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, health care costs accounted for just 9.5% of all personal consumption back in 1980. Today they account for approximately 16.3%.
#27 One study found that approximately 41 percent of working age Americans either have medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt.
#28 Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Today, one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid.
#29 Total credit card debt in the United States is now more than 8 times larger than it was just 30 years ago.
#30 During the first three months of this year, less new homes were sold in the U.S. than in any three month period ever recorded.
#31 Now home sales in the United States are now down 80% from the peak in July 2005.
#32 U.S. home prices have now declined 32% from the peak of the housing bubble.
#33 For most middle class families, the family home is the number one financial asset. Unfortunately, U.S. home values have declined an astounding 6.3 trillion dollars since the housing crisis first began.
#34 According to a recent census report, 13% of all homes in the United States are currently sitting empty.
#35 The housing crisis just seems to keep on getting worse. 31 percent of the homeowners that responded to a recent Rasmussen Reports survey indicated that they are 'underwater' on their mortgages.
#36 Unfortunately, it looks like millions more middle class Americans could soon be in danger of losing their homes. According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, at least 8 million Americans are at least one month behind on their mortgage payments at this point.
Source: endoftheamericandream.com
Did Fukushima Daiichi Unit No. 4 catch on fire today? (VIDEO)
Unit No. 4 is on the far right
Live feed from May 4 at 9:00 pm in Japan shows smoke/steam rising from Unit No. 4
Still photo at 9:00 pm in Japan

Live feed from May 4 at 9:00 pm in Japan shows smoke/steam rising from Unit No. 4
Still photo at 9:00 pm in Japan

For the original report see: Fukushima Daiichi Reactor 4 On Fire
Death's door
Before jumping into today's essay here is the latest news: Radioactive levels at Fukushima were about250 times higher than a month before. TEPCO said the levels ofcaesium-134 and -137 increased about 250-foldand iodine-131 increased about 12 times compared with one month ago, after the accident had already happened.
The water level in the No. 4 reactor's turbine building rose by 20 centimeters in 10 days. TEPCO hasdetected 8,100 becquerels of caesium-137and 7,800 becquerels of caesium-134 per cubic centimeter in thewaterin the turbine building's basement. The utility company said on Tuesday the 26th of April that the water level in the tunnel of the No. 3 reactor rose by 10 centimeters over three days.
Beyond that door isdeath. It's death's door and it has brought us a new hell onearth. What's behind this door and several others like it is so hot, in terms of death, that its effects can be seen 10,000 miles away. Though thanks to the media we almost forgot about this and other similar doors and the nuclear meltdowns that are occurring right here right now on planet earth.

Today you have to be a hound dog to sniff up any credible news about what is actually going on at that destroyed nuclear plant. It's very scary how the media has clamped down on most of the news so it seems like multiple nuclear meltdowns are not a big deal.
On April 21 radiation levels stood atup to 110 microsieverts per hourin the air in the town of Okuma inTokyo, some 3 kilometers southwest of that door you see above.
If a person is exposed to this quantity of radiation for about nine hours, the cumulative dose is estimated to reach one millisieverts, the annual safety limit set by thegovernment. Do the math. In just30 daysa person living there would have a lethal dose!

On Sunday, April 24,2011Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) disclosed a map of radiation levels at the damagedFukushimaDaiichi nuclear plant. Radiation levels around the No. 3 reactor building, which was damaged by a powerful hydrogenexplosion, are higher than in other locations, and 300 millisieverts per hour of radiation was detected in debris on a nearby mountainside. Stand near that and30 hourslater kisslifegoodbye.
Work started on April 6th to remove contaminated rubble that had been obstructing the restoration process. TEPCO says much of the debris around the former office building has been removed, and it has started clearing the rubble around the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors. Enough debris has been removed to fill 50 containers, and it is being kept in a field on the mountainside.
The radiation levels one meter away are 1 to 2 millisieverts per hour. Gee, that would be a walk in the park, meaning we could hang around endlessly until 20 days go by and then we too areradioactivetoast.
Okay so let's translate that into a bit of practical reality for people 10,000 miles away on the east coast of the United States. We're getting pretty far away from that damn door and yet its nuclear wretchedness is reaching around the world just like Chernobyl did.
Radiation a Personal Account
"I am a retired biologist who used to work in radiation biology. Just wanted to share with you what we've been doing lately. We live in the mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. We have a Geiger counter and have been testing daily for radiation (am and pm) since the Fukushima incident. Since March 11, our numbers normally are 25-30 cpm inside and 31-35 cpm outside (Geiger counter sits at an open window). This is within background radiation numbers. When it rains, the numbers rise to about 35 cpm for inside and 40 cpm for outside. Our grass reads around 50 cpm. I noticed today after I did some weeding (sunny day) and washing my hands that they read around 50 cpm. I had to wash them 3-4 times before the reading went down.
"Also noticed a couple of dandelions looking abnormal (their stems were twice as thick as others and heads were joined). Never saw that before.
"We had orderedkelpgranules from the company Maine Coast three weeks ago. We typically use kelp in our foods, and this was a bigger order than usual because of the nuclear incident. Just got the shipment today! We tested the bags of kelp for radiation and they tested 182 cpm! We called the company but they had their answering machine on, stating that they won't be open until April 25th because they're doing inventory. We plan to return the kelp! Noticed the expiration date is April 16, 2013, which makes us wonder if they filled the order after the Fukushima incident (maybe April 16, 2011?).
Video with Radiation test in Waterville.
Life with Geiger counters will become much more common in our futures as well as nuclear weather reports. They might as well have ripped a hole into another universe with so much hell to be released each month for as long as we can see into thefuture. Best-case scenario at this point would be several years of relentless radiation buildup around the world but most particularly in the northern hemisphere where it will be increasingly difficult to get uncontaminatedfood. Let's not even think of worst-case scenarios for not many of us will be around for long if such were to occur.
Authorities will keep everything under their hat for as long as humanly possible to avoid panic and migrations. Withfinancialcollapse on the horizon, private citizens will not be able to afford any movement anyway and will have to dig in and weather the radiation. With the help of the media, the entire populations of the north are caught like deer in the headlights and are totally unaware of and unprepared for this increasing nuclear radiation. In case no one has informed you, radioactivity makes it harder for our bodies to live.
Today's Nuclear News
The Number 4 spent fuel pool stores1,535 fuel rods, the most at the nuclear complex. TEPCO says it will inject 210 tons of water into the pool on Monday, after finding on Sunday evening that the temperature in the pool had risen to 81 degrees Celsius. The utility firm had earlier limited the amount of water being injected into the pool to 70 tons a day, saying the weight of the water could weaken the reactor building, which was already damaged in last month'shydrogenexplosion.
On Friday, TEPCO found that the pool's temperature had reached 91 degrees, so it began injecting 2 to 3 times the amount of water. TEPCO says the pool's water temperature dropped to 66 degrees on Saturday after water was injected, but started to rise again, to 81 degrees. The operator says the water level in the pool was 2.5 meters lower than normal after 165 tons of water was injected on Sunday.
But there is absolutely nothing to worry about! Doctors are not worried thatiodinedeficiency will make you much more vulnerable to death rays in the form of radioactive iodine, which your thyroid will mop up like a sponge. But what dodoctorsor our friendly governments care?
"I have been trying to get a prescription for iodine from a medicaldoctor, but I can't find one that will do it. They tell me BS like you don't need it; it's dangerous to take supplemental iodine without a battery of thyroid tests, and a bunch of other BS ad nauseum. I used to be able to get it over the counter at a drugstore, but no longer. I need to find an MD with common sense that will actually help me. David Ostrander"

Photograph: Robert Brook/Alamy/Alamy
Radiation Hell at the disused plutonium reactors at
Sellafield, England are a"slow motion Chernobyl"according
to Greenpeace campaigners against nuclear energy.
The BBCsays, "There are about 440 operational reactors in 32 countries, generating 16 percent of the world's electricity. Only 27 new reactors are under construction, mainly in EasternEuropeand Asia. Not one of the remaining 22 countries withnuclear poweris currently building any new reactors, including the USA, Canada and all of Western Europe. The western world has put its nuclearpowerprogram on hold. This is arguably due at least in part to the Chernobyl accident and the ensuing perception that no matter how small the risk, it is just not worth it."
For all the references, sources and more articles onradiationandchemical toxicityplease visitDr. Mark Sircus blog.
Sourece: NaturalNews.com
The water level in the No. 4 reactor's turbine building rose by 20 centimeters in 10 days. TEPCO hasdetected 8,100 becquerels of caesium-137and 7,800 becquerels of caesium-134 per cubic centimeter in thewaterin the turbine building's basement. The utility company said on Tuesday the 26th of April that the water level in the tunnel of the No. 3 reactor rose by 10 centimeters over three days.
Beyond that door isdeath. It's death's door and it has brought us a new hell onearth. What's behind this door and several others like it is so hot, in terms of death, that its effects can be seen 10,000 miles away. Though thanks to the media we almost forgot about this and other similar doors and the nuclear meltdowns that are occurring right here right now on planet earth.

Today you have to be a hound dog to sniff up any credible news about what is actually going on at that destroyed nuclear plant. It's very scary how the media has clamped down on most of the news so it seems like multiple nuclear meltdowns are not a big deal.
On April 21 radiation levels stood atup to 110 microsieverts per hourin the air in the town of Okuma inTokyo, some 3 kilometers southwest of that door you see above.
If a person is exposed to this quantity of radiation for about nine hours, the cumulative dose is estimated to reach one millisieverts, the annual safety limit set by thegovernment. Do the math. In just30 daysa person living there would have a lethal dose!

On Sunday, April 24,2011Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) disclosed a map of radiation levels at the damagedFukushimaDaiichi nuclear plant. Radiation levels around the No. 3 reactor building, which was damaged by a powerful hydrogenexplosion, are higher than in other locations, and 300 millisieverts per hour of radiation was detected in debris on a nearby mountainside. Stand near that and30 hourslater kisslifegoodbye.
Work started on April 6th to remove contaminated rubble that had been obstructing the restoration process. TEPCO says much of the debris around the former office building has been removed, and it has started clearing the rubble around the No. 3 and No. 4 reactors. Enough debris has been removed to fill 50 containers, and it is being kept in a field on the mountainside.
The radiation levels one meter away are 1 to 2 millisieverts per hour. Gee, that would be a walk in the park, meaning we could hang around endlessly until 20 days go by and then we too areradioactivetoast.
Okay so let's translate that into a bit of practical reality for people 10,000 miles away on the east coast of the United States. We're getting pretty far away from that damn door and yet its nuclear wretchedness is reaching around the world just like Chernobyl did.
Radiation a Personal Account
"I am a retired biologist who used to work in radiation biology. Just wanted to share with you what we've been doing lately. We live in the mid-Atlantic area of the U.S. We have a Geiger counter and have been testing daily for radiation (am and pm) since the Fukushima incident. Since March 11, our numbers normally are 25-30 cpm inside and 31-35 cpm outside (Geiger counter sits at an open window). This is within background radiation numbers. When it rains, the numbers rise to about 35 cpm for inside and 40 cpm for outside. Our grass reads around 50 cpm. I noticed today after I did some weeding (sunny day) and washing my hands that they read around 50 cpm. I had to wash them 3-4 times before the reading went down.
"Also noticed a couple of dandelions looking abnormal (their stems were twice as thick as others and heads were joined). Never saw that before.
"We had orderedkelpgranules from the company Maine Coast three weeks ago. We typically use kelp in our foods, and this was a bigger order than usual because of the nuclear incident. Just got the shipment today! We tested the bags of kelp for radiation and they tested 182 cpm! We called the company but they had their answering machine on, stating that they won't be open until April 25th because they're doing inventory. We plan to return the kelp! Noticed the expiration date is April 16, 2013, which makes us wonder if they filled the order after the Fukushima incident (maybe April 16, 2011?).
Video with Radiation test in Waterville.
Life with Geiger counters will become much more common in our futures as well as nuclear weather reports. They might as well have ripped a hole into another universe with so much hell to be released each month for as long as we can see into thefuture. Best-case scenario at this point would be several years of relentless radiation buildup around the world but most particularly in the northern hemisphere where it will be increasingly difficult to get uncontaminatedfood. Let's not even think of worst-case scenarios for not many of us will be around for long if such were to occur.
Authorities will keep everything under their hat for as long as humanly possible to avoid panic and migrations. Withfinancialcollapse on the horizon, private citizens will not be able to afford any movement anyway and will have to dig in and weather the radiation. With the help of the media, the entire populations of the north are caught like deer in the headlights and are totally unaware of and unprepared for this increasing nuclear radiation. In case no one has informed you, radioactivity makes it harder for our bodies to live.
Today's Nuclear News
The Number 4 spent fuel pool stores1,535 fuel rods, the most at the nuclear complex. TEPCO says it will inject 210 tons of water into the pool on Monday, after finding on Sunday evening that the temperature in the pool had risen to 81 degrees Celsius. The utility firm had earlier limited the amount of water being injected into the pool to 70 tons a day, saying the weight of the water could weaken the reactor building, which was already damaged in last month'shydrogenexplosion.
On Friday, TEPCO found that the pool's temperature had reached 91 degrees, so it began injecting 2 to 3 times the amount of water. TEPCO says the pool's water temperature dropped to 66 degrees on Saturday after water was injected, but started to rise again, to 81 degrees. The operator says the water level in the pool was 2.5 meters lower than normal after 165 tons of water was injected on Sunday.
But there is absolutely nothing to worry about! Doctors are not worried thatiodinedeficiency will make you much more vulnerable to death rays in the form of radioactive iodine, which your thyroid will mop up like a sponge. But what dodoctorsor our friendly governments care?
"I have been trying to get a prescription for iodine from a medicaldoctor, but I can't find one that will do it. They tell me BS like you don't need it; it's dangerous to take supplemental iodine without a battery of thyroid tests, and a bunch of other BS ad nauseum. I used to be able to get it over the counter at a drugstore, but no longer. I need to find an MD with common sense that will actually help me. David Ostrander"

Photograph: Robert Brook/Alamy/Alamy
Radiation Hell at the disused plutonium reactors at
Sellafield, England are a"slow motion Chernobyl"according
to Greenpeace campaigners against nuclear energy.
The BBCsays, "There are about 440 operational reactors in 32 countries, generating 16 percent of the world's electricity. Only 27 new reactors are under construction, mainly in EasternEuropeand Asia. Not one of the remaining 22 countries withnuclear poweris currently building any new reactors, including the USA, Canada and all of Western Europe. The western world has put its nuclearpowerprogram on hold. This is arguably due at least in part to the Chernobyl accident and the ensuing perception that no matter how small the risk, it is just not worth it."
For all the references, sources and more articles onradiationandchemical toxicityplease visitDr. Mark Sircus blog.
Sourece: NaturalNews.com
Sprint Confirms Release Date for Motorola Xoom (WiFi Only Version)

It was only a few days ago I posted the leak on the Motorola Xoom WiFi only version being sold in stores May 8th. Well, it looks like our sources held up. Sprint, in a press release earlier today, has officially confirmed the May 8th launch date and a $599 price point. So, if for some reason you were waiting this whole time to pick up your own Xoom from Sprint and not say — the countless other retailers already selling the tablet, Sunday will be your lucky day! (Go get ‘em, Yarell!)
Now, Mr. Hesse. Lets talk about this 4G WiMax version…
Source Sprint / Phandroid
Viewsonic Viewpad 10 Leaps From Android 1.6 to 2.2

Current devices running Android 1.6 are small in numbers due to the evolution of Android and robots aren’t immune to Darwin’s Theory: either they should update and adapt or die. I’m glad to see Viewsonic make the huge update to Android 2.2. While it isn’t Android 3.0, it shows the manufacturer is committed to continually improving their devices. Better late than never.
Any Viewsonic owners out there intrigued by this update? Feel free to organize in our Viewsonic Tablet Forum and maybe one of these days we’ll see them freezing up Ice Cream Sandwiches.
Source: phandroid.com
TEPCO discovery of Fukushima sediment contamination in areas identified by Greenpeace
TEPCO, the owners of the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, just announced that they found contamination levels 100 to 1,000 times higher than normal in sediment from the Fukushima coast.
TEPCO did the sediment testing late last week—in areas Greenpeace identified for testing in our research plan—after we were denied permission to research inside Japan's 12 mile territorial waters.
The buzz around Japanese Twitter has been saying that Greenpeace is the reason why the authorities have actually done this research.
Following this announcement, Greenpeace Japan Executive Director Junichi Sato said:
"Our flag ship the Rainbow Warrior is already doing what it can to monitor marine contamination based on the very limited permission granted by the Government for areas outside the 12 mile territorial limit. We had previously identified the newly declared contaminated areas as areas at risk, and stand ready to assist within the 12 mile limit to provide independent monitoring and advice to the Japanese public."
"It has been noted by many that the authorities only surveyed the area as a result of our request and the pressure that accompanied it. This is no way to go about protecting public health. The prime ministers office should now immediately grant the Rainbow Warrior access to Japan's territorial waters to conduct its proposed radiation survey. It has nothing to lose and everything to gain from independent assessment and public information."
Here in the United States, even the Nuclear Regulatory Commission agrees that the public deserves to receive more information to keep them safe.
In testimony on Capitol Hill and other public statements, chairman of the regulatory commission, Mr. Jaczko has avoided criticizing his Japanese counterparts. But on Monday he said that “if we had a similar type of event in the U.S., we certainly would like to be providing a lot more information to the public.’’
It’s important that the Japanese government reverses its decision to block our research and allow us to provide clear, independent information to the people for whom help is needed.
Source: greenpeace.org

Source: greenpeace.org
Radioactive cesium found in sewage sludge in Japan
Results of an inspection conducted April 30 by the prefectural government showed 26,400 becquerels and 334,000 becquerels per kilogram of radioactive cesium (the latter of which is about 1,400 times the level before the Great East Japan Earthquake) were found in sewage sludge and molten slag, respectively, at wastewater treatment facilities in the Hiwada area of Koriyama.
Since there are no guidelines established by the central government for disposing of highly radioactive sewage sludge, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism was scheduled May 2 to discuss with the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency how to handle the radioactive sludge.
The Fukushima prefectural government believes that rainfall caused radioactive substances on the ground to flow into sewage systems, leading to a high concentration of radiation at the sewage treatment plant. Eighty tons of sewage sludge are generated per day at the facilities, while 2 tons of molten slag is created by firing 70 tons of the sewage sludge in a furnace at the plant, the prefectural government said. The remaining 10 tons are shipped to cement companies for use as materials.
Since the onset of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident on March 11, about 500 tons of sewage sludge have been shipped to cement companies. The prefectural government is currently tracking the shipment routes to find out where the sewage sludge is now. All the molten slag, however, has been safely stored at the facilities with plastic-sheet covering.
The prefectural government has decided to suspend shipments to cement companies while instructing staff at the sewage treatment facilities to carry radiation dosimeters at all times. It also plans to implement the same inspections at 22 other sewage treatment facilities in the prefecture.
Target Cancelling ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Pre-Orders
If you’ve already pre-ordered the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer through Target and are waiting for the Android Stork to drop that baby on your porch – don’t get your hopes up. We’ve gotten several reports from readers claiming Target sent them an E-Mail indicating their pre-order is cancelled, citing inability to procure the device from their suppliers. We’ve got yet to verify, but enough tips have come in that we’re pretty confident it’s true.

This could be great news for ASUS if Target’s cancellation is due to demand largely outpacing supply with retail channels getting their stock units axed. Unfortunately, we learned yesterday that it’s more likely to a component shortage – ASUS doesn’t have the supplies they need to MAKE the darn things. I’m sorry to say that “sure thing” pre-order is good for nothing and you’ve either got to fight your way to finding another Transformer elsewhere or set your sights on something else.
Feel free to bitch about it in the ASUS Forum. We’ve got word into Target asking about details and will report back with anything of substance.
UDPATE: Here is the e-mail users are receiving

This could be great news for ASUS if Target’s cancellation is due to demand largely outpacing supply with retail channels getting their stock units axed. Unfortunately, we learned yesterday that it’s more likely to a component shortage – ASUS doesn’t have the supplies they need to MAKE the darn things. I’m sorry to say that “sure thing” pre-order is good for nothing and you’ve either got to fight your way to finding another Transformer elsewhere or set your sights on something else.
Feel free to bitch about it in the ASUS Forum. We’ve got word into Target asking about details and will report back with anything of substance.
UDPATE: Here is the e-mail users are receiving
Thank you for shopping at Target.com.
Unfortunately, the following item is not currently available from any of our sources.
Asus Eee Pad Transformer 10.1″ Android Tablet (TF101-A1) with 16GB Hard Drive, 1GB Memory – Black/Brown
We have cancelled this item from your order.
To view the current status and the costs associated with your order, please visit My Account (http://www.target.com/my-account).
Because you only pay for items when we ship them to you, your credit card has not been charged for this item.
Thank you for being a valued Guest. We hope you visit us again.
Guest Service Department
Clearing the Air at Fukushima
Installing an air purifier is not a big deal, unless the location is inside a building that houses a reactor at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant in Japan. Inside Unit 1, radiation levels are still through the roof.
A representative with the Tokyo Electric Power Company says the purifier will eliminate 95 percent of the radioactivity; allowing crews to enter the building and begin work on restoring the cooling systems, which was heavily damaged during the March earthquake and tsunami.
The company said it had begun constructing special tents at the entrance toturbine buildings so workers can move in and out. It is also installing fans with filters at the No.1 reactor to reduce radiation inside to one-twentieth of current levels within days.
"We want to suck out the air in the building and use the filter to remove radiation from the dust," TEPCO spokesman Junichi Matsumoto told reporters.
Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) has said it may take the rest of the year to bring the nuclear plant back under control.
Source: scientificamerican.com
A representative with the Tokyo Electric Power Company says the purifier will eliminate 95 percent of the radioactivity; allowing crews to enter the building and begin work on restoring the cooling systems, which was heavily damaged during the March earthquake and tsunami.
Source: rockthecapital.com
The company said it had begun constructing special tents at the entrance toturbine buildings so workers can move in and out. It is also installing fans with filters at the No.1 reactor to reduce radiation inside to one-twentieth of current levels within days.
"We want to suck out the air in the building and use the filter to remove radiation from the dust," TEPCO spokesman Junichi Matsumoto told reporters.
Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) has said it may take the rest of the year to bring the nuclear plant back under control.
Source: scientificamerican.com
Fukushima Fallout Update
Latest addition to the series of continuing updates of the Fukushima disaster graciously provided by Arnie & Maggie Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates. Maggie has a guest, Marco Kaltofen, expert in radiation chemistry & monitoring. He is a professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, as well as an environmental scientist & professional engineer.
They discuss the spreading nuclear fallout. This closer look examines the effects & hazards of the nano-scale particles of fallout when tracking at greater distances, as opposed to the methodology of using a Geiger counter to measure the more localized background levels.
They discuss the spreading nuclear fallout. This closer look examines the effects & hazards of the nano-scale particles of fallout when tracking at greater distances, as opposed to the methodology of using a Geiger counter to measure the more localized background levels.
Japan Kept Secret on Fukushima Radiation Measurements
64 This photograph released 30 April 2011 shows Katsuaki Kozuka showing a radiation measuring instrument in Kawauchimura located in the radius of 20-30 km from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan on 28 April 2011.
The Japanese government admitted it kept in secret at least 5000 radiation radiation measurements and assessments after the nuclear event which struck the Fukushima Daiichi NPP in March.
This was done in order not to induce panic in the population, a representative of the staff dealing with the nuclear emergency told ITAR-TASS.
"It was a wrong decision," he admitted, pointing out that all upcoming information abouth Fukushima Daiichi will be spread immediately.
The system which collects data about radiation leaks from the Japanese nuclear power plants does not work effectively, Japanese media have reported, according to the Russian agency.
Source: novinite.com

Source: novinite.com
Official: Japanese gov’t withheld radiation forecasts to prevent causing panic
Japan’s NHK TV is reporting the “Japanese government is about to begin releasing data projecting the spread of radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant that it initially withheld for fear of causing panic.”
Radiation Specialist Quits Job Protesting Inexcusable Radiation Limits for Schools
TOKYO—A prominent Japanese radiation safety specialist has resigned his governmental advisory post in protest over what he calls "inexcusable" standards for school children in Fukushima Prefecture. The Yomiuri Online news web site reported in Japanese this evening that Toshiso Kosako, a radiation safety expert at the University of Tokyo, feels the standards are too lenient and that his advice has been ignored.
On 19 April, the ministry of education announced a "provisional idea" for schoolyards contaminated by radiation emanating from the ravaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The ministry cited a recommendation by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), based in Ottawa, Canada, that sets an acceptable level of between 1 and 20 millisieverts (mSv) per year for individuals. In its Application of the Commission's Recommendations to the Protection of People Living in Long-term Contaminated Areas
Sourece: Sciencemag.org
FDA Acceptable Strontium Levels are 220 Times Greater then EPA's
Radioactive Strontium Found in Hilo, Hawaii Milk
"The FDA’s Derived Intervention Level—the standard observed for food—for a related isotope, Strontium-90, is 4,400 pCi/L. The EPA’s Maximum Contamination Level for Sr-89 in drinking water is 20 pCi/L. (For more on the difference between EPA and FDA standards, as well as more on the health implications of ingesting radionuclides, see “Why Does FDA Tolerate More Radiation Than EPA?“)"
EPA has found no strontium-90 in its testing, according to the statement, and it has found neither of the strontium fission products in drinking water.
The Strontium-89 was found in April 4 Hilo samples previously found to contain cesium-134 and cesium-137, and the test results were released only yesterday because they take longer to analyze, according to EPA’s statement:
EPA has found no strontium-90 in its testing, according to the statement, and it has found neither of the strontium fission products in drinking water.
The Strontium-89 was found in April 4 Hilo samples previously found to contain cesium-134 and cesium-137, and the test results were released only yesterday because they take longer to analyze, according to EPA’s statement:
In response to the Japanese nuclear power plant release, if we identify radioactive cesium… those samples will be analyzed for strontium. Testing for strontium is a complex process that takes time.
More cesium was found in a Hilo milk sample on April 13. All of EPA’s initial milk testing is available here.
Source: forbes
Source: forbes
Huge Fallout to Hit West Coast U.S May 3rd
Department of Atmospheric and Climate Research, The Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)
The operator of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was set on Wednesday to more than double insertion of water into the facility's No. 1 reactor as a step toward determining whether to fully flood the ailing system, the Mainichi Daily News reported (see GSN, April 26; Mainichi Daily News I, April 26).
Tokyo Electric Power has already started pumping additional water into the reactor's outer containment vessel, Reuters reported on Tuesday. The company was expected on Monday to investigate whether water was escaping through a suspected rupture in the containment vessel, according to an earlier report.
By Ryan Nakashima, The Associated Press
Apr 9, 2011
In an unusual — and controversial — plan, engineers decided earlier this month to deliberately pump less contaminated water into the ocean from a storage facility they thought might make a good receptacle for the more highly radioactive water.
That dump is expected to finish Sunday, and technicians already are beginning to ensure that the building is watertight, according to nuclear safety agency spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama.
Source: http://transport.nilu.no/
Tokyo Electric Power has already started pumping additional water into the reactor's outer containment vessel, Reuters reported on Tuesday. The company was expected on Monday to investigate whether water was escaping through a suspected rupture in the containment vessel, according to an earlier report.
By Ryan Nakashima, The Associated Press
Apr 9, 2011
In an unusual — and controversial — plan, engineers decided earlier this month to deliberately pump less contaminated water into the ocean from a storage facility they thought might make a good receptacle for the more highly radioactive water.
That dump is expected to finish Sunday, and technicians already are beginning to ensure that the building is watertight, according to nuclear safety agency spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama.
Source: http://transport.nilu.no/
Fukushima Radiation Blows Past Chernobyl
As the twenty-fifth anniversary of Chernobyl passes, Fukushima looks set to overtake it as the world’s worst nuclear disaster. Two weeks ago Fukushima was raised from a level 5 disaster to a level 7 like Chernobyl. But nearly two months after the crisis began, Fukushima is still emitting radioactivity, while Chernobyl’s emissions had been contained at this stage.
Robots sent into the Number 1 reactor building have recorded the highest reading of radioactivity so far found at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant since the emergency began almost two months ago. Two robots found 1,120 millisieverts of radiation an hour was being emitted from the stricken reactor. This level of radiation is more than enough to cause immediate radiation sickness if a human being were exposed to it. The Tokyo Electrical Power Company (Tepco) which runs the Fukushima facility has begun to use robots because it has become impossible to send workers into the plant for long enough to take accurate readings.
Source: WSWS.org
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