How to Sync Google Chrome Bookmarks with Your Android Phone - How-To Geek

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If you’ve got Google Chrome on your desktop and Google Android on your phone, you might be thinking… why can’t I use the same bookmarks in both places? Here’s how to sync your bookmarks between computers and also to your Android phone.
This article was written by Mitch Bartlett from, where he covers lots of tips for mobile phones.

Visit the links below for the entire walk though with screen shots.

Also if you use multiple browsers like me then you will want to go grab XMarks which will sync you bookmarks between major browsers like IE, Firefox, Chrome, etcetera.  Then ChromeMarks will get all you synced bookmarks over to your Android device.
Source: How-To Geek &

Get ChromeMarks HERE or scan the bar code!


Partisanship is counterproductive

Partisanship is a waste of time, and is counterproductive.
Why? Let's take a look at our enemy. Our enemy is not convervative voters. Our enemy is not joe the redneck down the road with an and a gunrack mounted in the back of his gunrack.
Our enemy is not your Republican Grandfather.
Our enemy are corporate oligarchs who are trying to undermine everything good that America is supposed to stand for, things like liberty, and justice for all. You know, that stuff from the Pledge of Allegiance. They own almost all the media you watch. They control what news you see. They own almost all the food you eat, and they want to genetically modify it. They own almost all the money in our economy too. How did things get here? Well Corporate Oligarchs don't waste their time with petty bullshit and partisanship.

Since they control the media, they control our access to our political candidates as well. During the presidential primaries, you don't get to see people like Dennis Kucinich, or Mike Gravel for more than a few minutes. When you're on GE's turf they set the rules. GE owns huge chunks of the military industrial complex, and candidates who want to end our global war on scary things get excluded from their debates. GE decides which candidate you should vote for.
Last election, GE and Lockheed Martin, and Verizon and all the rest decided that your candidates were going to be Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, and John Edwards. And funny enough, each of these candidates stated in their policy positions, which any chimpanzee with an internet connection can download and read from their campaign websites, that they were willing to bend over backwards to suck the collective cock of the corporate oligarchy-- sometimes called by folks like David Gergen, the “Business Community.”

Which is a terribly misleading name, because I know plenty of people who own businesses who aren't a part of that that community, and never will be. The community david gergen is talking about has expansive well-manicured lawns, tall iron-spiked fences surrounding it, a security guard at the gate, and gets around primarily by golf-cart.

The Corporate Oligarchs are playing their game in a post-partisan, post-national world. There is no Republicans or Democrats to them. There is no USA, China, European Union, African Union, etc. There is only the transnational corporation, free to rape and pillage the globe with impunity.

They're playing, 3-dimensional chess. When we get bogged down in partisan bullshit, cheering for the blue team or the red team, we're playing 2-d checkers on their 3-d chess board, and we wonder why we keep losing, and we can't possibly comprehend why we keep getting blindsided by triagonal unicorn moves.

It's not as simple as just never voting for another democrat or republican, because there are some good people out there in both parties, and we should work to keep the good ones we have, and get more good ones into position. Though this is certainly more the case in local politics than federal politics.

What we need to do is realize that:
1) The corporate oligarchs who run this whole damn show do not give a shit about you, and are purchasing our government to suit their own private interests
2) We can take our government back, but it will require a lot of hard work, and there's no guarantees.
3) If you are stuck in partisan bickering over bullshit distractions, step back and realize that there are four other chess boards that this game is being played on.

Solar Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels?

“Solar power may be cheaper than electricity generated by fossil fuels and nuclear reactors within three to five years because of innovations, said Mark M. Little, the global research director for General Electric Co. (GE).”

“If we can get solar at 15 cents a kilowatt-hour or lower, which I’m hopeful that we will do, you’re going to have a lot of people that are going to want to have solar at home,” Little said yesterday in an interview in Bloomberg’s Washington office. The 2009 average U.S. retail rate per kilowatt-hour for electricity ranges from 6.1 cents in Wyoming to 18.1 cents in Connecticut, according to Energy Information Administration data released in April.”"

Source: Al's Journal

Meet the Patriotic Millionaires

The Patriotic Millionaires, a group of millionaires who believe that government should increase the tax rate for millionaires, released a video calling on congress to raise their taxes.

The group, organized by The Agenda Project, seeks to end the Bush Tax Cuts that Obama extended last year, saying that it is unfair to give tax cuts to people in the highest income bracket.

“You decided our country needed less money, and millionaires like me needed more,” says the script of the video, read by a series of millionaires who signed the original petition.

“Less money for roads to transfer our products, for high speed internet to build our technology companies, for science research, education, for universities, and research to spark our innovation,” they say.

“Rich people are not the cause of a robust economy, they’re the result of a robust economy,” one says.

A series of millionaires explain how the government, or government funded entities like public schools, have contributed to their success.

“Tax me,” one concludes, “because my country, our country, means more than my money.”

I have a sneaking suspicion that Ralph Nader is behind this. Why? This is straight out of his book, 'Only the Super Rich Can Save Us!' The name, and everything. If you haven't yet, pick up a copy.

Source: The Punk Patriot

ES File Explorer Android App Review

The ES File Explorer Android App by EStrongs Inc. is an app that manages all the files on your phone and SD card. This file manager is packed with a lot of features other than just the file managing piece as its name indicates. The UI on this file manager in particular is clean and crisp and easy to navigate. The features are intuitive and allow for easy maneuvering between the phones internal files and the SD card. The features that are offered with this file are great features that logically should be included in all other file explorers on the market. Another great snippet of the UI is the ability to switch between grid and list view which makes it easier to find files and folders that are stored on either the phone itself or the memory card.

When you open up the parcels app the first thing you will notice is all of the files that are stored on the phone. Navigation between folders and the SD card and phone itself is very simple due to the toggle button included in the app. Included is a toolbar which will allow for multi-folder selection, searching of the contents, a previous file button, a help button, and a toggle between grid and list view. Embedded in the menu is all of your typical operations features (cut, copy, paste etc.) and a very cool feature called the manger/ The manger contains a task manger, app manager, security manager, bookmark manager, and an SD card analyst tool that will scan all the files on your SD card and list them in order by the size of the file.

Overall, this is an excellent file manger app that has a ton of extra features and is simple and intuitive. At the time of this review the ES File Explorer Android App is free. Thumbs Up.

NISA doubles early fallout estimate

NISA doubles early fallout estimate


NISA on Monday more than doubled its estimate of the radioactive material ejected into the air in the early days of the Fukushima nuclear crisis to 770,000 terabecquerels.

The nuclear safety agency also issued its own assessment of the cores in reactors 1, 2 and 3 at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant, assuming that all of them melted, and said it was possible the meltdowns in units 1 and 2 happened faster than the time frame estimated by Tokyo Electric Power Co.

The assessment by the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency is expected to be reflected in Japan's report on the accident at a ministerial meeting being hosted by the International Atomic Energy Agency later this month.

In April, Japan raised the severity level of the crisis to 7, the maximum on the International Nuclear Event Scale, putting it on par with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.

At the time, NISA believed that 370,000 terabecquerels of radioactive material had been ejected from reactors 1, 2 and 3. That was revised Monday after NISA found that more material escaped from reactor 2 than thought.

Level 7 accidents correspond to the external release of material equal to tens of thousands of terabecquerels of radioactive iodine 131. One terabecquerel equals 1 trillion becquerels.

NISA said the melted fuel in reactor 1 fell to the bottom of the pressure vessel and damaged it at about 8 p.m. on March 11, about five hours after the quake. In reactor 2, a similar event took place at about 10:50 p.m. March 14, it said.

However, Tepco says the pressure vessel in reactor 1 was damaged on the morning of March 12, and the pressure vessel in reactor 2 in the early hours of March 16.

A NISA official said the assessments vary due to different water injection assumptions.

YouTube - Fukushima mutant rabbit: Earless bunny born near radiation zone