Samsung NC215S solar netbook delayed until August
Well, that didn't take long. The sun's only set once since we reported Samsung's solar NC215S netbook was up for pre-order and we're already getting word that it's been delayed. Despite earlier estimates of a July 3rd US shipping date, Liliputing is now saying that the solar-powered laptop won't make it to consumers until sometime in mid to late August, due to hold ups involving the machine's custom panels. Here's hoping this doesn't spoil anyone's plans to journey out of the house this summer.
Samsung NC215S solar netbook delayed, won't see sunlight until August -- Engadget
Radioactive Container Truck Spews Gamma Rays On Unsuspecting Traffic On Interstate Highway
Apparently just having a sign labeled “radioactive” allows truckers to transport material that radiation on unsuspecting traffic as evidence in this video posted on YouTube.
While one would assume that truck is lined with a protective barrier made out of a material such as lead that prevents radiation from leaking from the truck and the radioactive sign on the truck is just a warning in the event of an accident or leakage that clearly is not the case.
As evidence below, the video shows an Inspector Geiger counter picking up Gamma radiation at levels up to .320 millirems per hour, or .320 microseiverts, per hour of radiation being emitted from a truck traveling down Interstate 270 through Saint Louis Missouri on July 1st.
The truck in question is operated by Associated Couriers, Inc. out of Saint Louis with the signage on the truck showing a phone number of 314-739-0400.
Radioactive Container Truck Spewing Gamma Rays Into Traffic on I-270 in Saint Louis, Missouri
We got stuck next to this truck during the 7pm July 1st holiday traffic on North bound I-270, after seeing the Radioactive warning placards we pulled out the Geiger Counter and Camera. Lesson learned, AVOID RADIOACTIVE TRUCKS!
The Geiger counter samples over a 30 second moving average, updated every 3 seconds. Notice how the reading on the Geiger Counter keeps moving upwards after we pass the truck; had we stayed next to the radioactive truck the readings would have went even higher.
Pray for the truck driver; the source of gamma rays appeared to be located almost directly behind the driver. One would think that these things would be much more heavily shielded, located further away from the driver, and that such materials would be transported when other people are not on the road.
The truck exited I-270 at Lilac Ave.
To be fair, according to those measurements after standing next to the truck for an entire year you would receive a dose a little under that of a dental x-ray or about a dose of 2.8 millsieverts. However ever that reading, according to person who shot the video was only the Gamma radiation count with alpha, beta and x-ray radiation not being accounted for.
The radiation reading was also taken from a vehicle quickly passing by at a distance of several feet away from the radioactive truck. While that may give a fair estimation of the gamma radiation dose afflicted on the average unsuspecting vehicle just passing by it does not account for vehicles who travel alongside the truck for an extended period of time.
In fact, as stated in the video’s description, the counter was calculating values based on a 30 second moving average and being updated every 3 seconds. That means to get an accurate reading the full Gamma Radiation being emitted, the Geiger counter would have needed to stay next to the truck for a full 30 seconds, which it was not.
That means that the true Gamma radiation reading was much higher that what was displayed on the screen. The value on the screen, being a 30 second moving average, was actually being under reported by an order of a magnitude at the least, because 30 seconds prior to the elevated readings we were seeing virtually no radiation being detected by the Geiger counter.
Source: Radioactive Container Truck Spews Gamma Rays On Unsuspecting Traffic On Interstate Highway ©
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Los Alamos lab begins removing radioactive soil from canyons to prevent contamination from spreading after fire
TEPCO Has Been Feeding Employees with Fukushima Produce Since March 28
From TEPCO's handout for the press in English on July 11 'Support activities for Fukushima:
We actively purchase farm products from Fukushima Prefecture for our company's cafeterias and dormitories. (Purchased since March 28.)
The company has the dormitories for bachelors.
Arizona State Senator Points Loaded Pink Pistol At Journalist

About the time you think Arizona might be getting its sanity back now that Russell Pearce will face a recall election, they prove you wrong. Via the Arizona Guardian:
Republican Sen. Lori Klein was showing off her raspberry-pink handgun when she aimed it at a journalist who was interviewing her in the lounge just outside the Senate chambers.
According to the story that was published Sunday in the Arizona Republic, Klein's .380 Ruger was loaded and did not have a safety to keep the gun from going off.
But Klein told the reporter, Richard Ruelas, that he didn't need to worry because, 'I just didn't have my hand on the trigger.'
Cool. That makes me feel soooo much better.