3D Projection Mapping: 10 Jaw-Dropping Examples

Generating extra buzz around marketing campaigns worldwide is 3D projection mapping, a relatively new technology that animates stationary objects with 3D video. With added sound effects and music, the result is a remarkable and immersive experience.

“Projection mapping can provide a great double whammy if used right, because you get a great live event, followed by a compelling video and PR opportunities. But, if that’s the aim it’s important to think about the film when planning the projection — the sense of scale you get live won’t be replicated on YouTube,” cautions Matt Smith, director of strategy for The Viral Factory.

“Good camera work, slick editing, and a rocking soundtrack will all help drive the film, but if the projection is too detailed it will still get lost.”

So, while we wait to see if this a temporary craze or soon to become standard in the marketeer’s toolbox, take a look through our gallery of great examples of such projections on buildings. This list is by no means exhaustive, so please let us know about any impressive versions you’ve seen in the comments below.

1. Samsung 3D Projection

Samsung's whimsical projection to promote its 3D TV products works well.

2. Vienna 3D Building Projection

Vienna's Tourist Board gets in on the 3D projection action with this classy effort.

3. NuFormer

Sony turned two buildings into giant football-themed pinball machines in Madrid. The spectacle was watched by around 1500 people on the day, and by nearly 20,000 more since.

4. 3D Projection Mapped on Building

A perfectly synced soundtrack helps the effect as this building sings to the transfixed audience.

5. Hot Wheels Secret Race Battle

Customs House in Sydney, Australia gets virtually wrecked by Mattel's 'Hot Wheels Skull Racers.'

6. 3D Projection Mapping

The lucky residents of Sugarland, Texas got to witness this spectacle live on New Year's Eve 2010.

7. 555 KUBIK

This arty German projection imagines 'how it would be, if a house was dreaming'.

8. ACDC vs Iron Man 2

ACDC go up against Iron Man on the backdrop of front facade of the Great Keep at Rochester Castle.


BMW uses not one, but two office buildings in Singapore with its joy-themed projection.

10. Projection Mapping on the Kharkov State Building

You can hardly imagine a more impressive backdrop for a 3D projection than the Kharkov state building in the Ukraine. The building's architectural features are used to great effect in this brilliant example.

Source: Mashable
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