It's probably a job in the disaster-affected area called Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant...
Anyone care to join "Fukushima 50"? It's not too late. They need fresh workers in the "new normal" at the plant where 10 sieverts/hour radiation is considered no big deal. (TEPCO says it doesn't matter because no work is planned in the area of 10-plus sieverts/hr radiation.)
Someone in Japan (t2aki) posted the photo of an ad on a utility pole, which reads:
Urgently Wanted
50,000 yen [US$648] per day
4 hours a day work
(and in handwriting)
Only for one month (20 working days)
2 days of training given
Work to assist recovery in the disaster affected area in Tohoku
No age limit
Healthy males
20 workers wanted
Probably an ad by a subcontractor of a subcontractor of a subcontractor .... many degrees removed from TEPCO.