EPA to raise limits for radiation exposure while Canada turns off fallout detectors

The EPA maintains a set of so-called “Protective Action Guides” (PAGs). These PAGs are being quickly revised to radically increase the allowable levels of iodine-131 (a radioactive isotope) to anywhere from 3,000 to 100,000 times the currently allowable levels.

“In addition,” PEER goes on to say, “it would allow long-term cleanup limits thousands of times more lax than anything EPA has ever before accepted. These new limits would cause a cancer in as much as every fourth person exposed.”

But even the EPA’s sleight-of-hand magic isn’t fooling very many people this time around. Even the most TV-obsessed, CNN-watching news zombie has by now figured out that too much radiation is bad for you. After all, the media has been screaming at people about the dangers of sunlight radiation for years, insisting that the mere act of sunlight touching your skin could kill you from skin cancer.

Ah, the fascination of watching this tragic comedy of errors unfold in the U.S. government almost cannot be exceeded. But Canada is sure trying. Its own nuclear monitoring network has simply been shut off, and its website now reads “Please note that as of March 25, 2011, the frequency of data collection by NRCan using the mobile surveys has been decreased due to the low levels of radiation being detected.”

There is a plan, you see, for the government to survive every disaster that comes our way. You’re just not part of it. The government feels that its own survival is far more important than yours. And just to make sure you don’t interfere with its own plans, the government is going to turn off the radiation detectors, raise the official EPA limits of radioactive exposure, urge Americans to avoid preparing for fallout, and then pretend absolutely nothing’s wrong. Keep on buying, consuming and paying your bills, all you voters! Punch your time clock at your job if you still have one, and don’t ask any questions about radiation, vaccines or the chemical additives they put in hot dogs.

Your government already has your future planned for you. That’s why there’s no need for you to expend any effort considering it yourself. Why bother thinking when you can just passivelyconsumeeverything you’re being spoon-fed by the State? And don’t worry about the radioactive fallout. It’s all safe now. I’ve been assured of that by the EPA.

Source: prisonplanet