Health risks of the releases of radioactivity from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors

Health risks of the releases of radioactivity from the Fukushima 
Daiichi nuclear reactors: Are they a concern for residents of the United States?
Prepared by Seth Tuler

Earlier this week the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization modeled how the dispersion of radioactive plumes from the Daiichi reactors would reach the west coast of North America.  Measureable concentrations of radiation from the reactors have been detected in California, as well as the East coast. At the same time, the Chair of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission said at a White House press briefing that “You just aren’t
going to have any radiological material that, by the time it traveled those large distances,
could present any risk to the American public.”

What is one to think? Is there really no risk whatsoever to the American public, as the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission chairman claims? Actually, things are more complicated
than what he says, even though he is mostly right (at the moment – things could get worse,
or they might not).

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